Long May You Run – Pieterburen releasing Seals

Aftermovie of our trip from Pieterburen to release seals in the Wadden Sea. Our live stream opening song was “Long May You Run”. With this song we have added images from our tour into a very nice compilation. We really enjoyed this experience and really appreciate the work Pieterburen does for the seals. Unfortunately our violinist is missing during the recording due to illness.

Background Info “Long May You Run”

Originally written by Neil Young, our singer William thinks it’s a great song and wanted to play him with our band Rapalje. This gives the song its own sound and it is fantastic for us to play.

Neil’s beloved Buick hearse, “Mort,” was the inspiration for this song. Neil drove “Mort” from Toronto to Los Angeles, where he met Stephen Stills and founded Buffalo Springfield. Later Neil drove a Pontiac hearse “Mort 2”

Neil was on his way to Sudbury in Canada when ‘Mort’ broke down in Blind River, Ontario in June 1965. (the lyrics in the song are, “well, it was back in Blind River, 1962, when I last saw you alive”) the year is incorrect, but the song is about this story.

Neil Young is pictured here in the middle in front of his Mort.

Pieterburen releasing Seals

Both Rapalje and Pieterburen are Groningen crowd favourites who have been able to reach thousands of people with various live streams in recent months. During this, a combination of live acoustic music and conversations about seals and the mudflats will be broadcast. The combination of seals and music is not very far-fetched. This summer, the Sealcenter will open an exhibition dedicated to the language and sense of rhythm of seals.

The cooperation between the Sealcenter Pieterburen and Rapalje is a striking one, but there are two nice similarities. First, both of them had been able to reach thousands of people through live streams of music or seals being cared for throughout the COVID-19 crisis. Second, seals and music have more in common than people generally assume. Seals have been proven to have a sense of rhythm and can “parrot”!

Precisely now pups are born at a certain location in the Wadden Sea that require intensive care from their mother for a few weeks. This bond is often broken due to disruption. Rapalje would like to make sure that these animals get well again.


We’ve been through some things together
With trunks of memories still to come
We found things to do in stormy weather
Long may you run.

Long may you run. Long may you run.
Although these changes have come
With your chrome heart shining in the sun
Long may you run.

Well, it was back in Blind River in 1962
When I last saw you alive
But we missed that shift on the long decline
Long may you run.

Long may you run. Long may you run.
Although these changes have come
With your chrome heart shining in the sun
Long may you run.

Maybe The Beach Boys have got you now
With those waves singing “Caroline No”
Rollin’ down that empty ocean road
Gettin’ to the surf on time.

Long may you run. Long may you run.
Although these changes have come
With your chrome heart shining in the sun
Long may you run.

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Dunmore Lassies – Back to School

We gave a musical lesson at primary school De Westerburcht in Eelde on the Friday before the schools were allowed to reopen after they were closed by Covid-19. The images during Dunmore Lassies are holiday photos from Ireland by David Myles

Dunmore Lassies

This is a traditional also called Dunmore Lasses or Morrison’s Reel.

The original title is Morrison’s Reel and refers to Galway flutist Tom Morrision (1889-1958). When recording the melody at 78 rpm in 1927 it was titled “the Dunmore Lasses”

Morrison’s Reel

Three-time Ireland champion Irish flute player Paddy Carty (1929-1985, Loughrea, County Galway) recorded the tune as “Morrison’s” on his 1975 Shanachie Records album. Carty was known for his smooth East Galway playing style.

Sheet music Dunmore Lassies

Practice Dunmore Lassies with David Myles

Dunmore Lassies on Spotify

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Glen Coe – Pumpkin’s Fancy – Theater het Kielzog

During the corona lockdown we gave a unique concert stuffed toys in the Kielzog theater in Hoogezand. We opened the concert with Glen Coe – Pumkin’s Fancy and we had to do this concert without our violinist Dieb.

Glen Coe

Glen Coe is a fantastic volcanic valley in the Scottish highlands. The valley is named after the river Coe flowing through it.

The song, the melody of which we play on the bagpipes, is about the “Massacre of Glen Coe” The Glen Coe Massacre from 1692, in which 37 men of the Clan Donald were slaughtered and at least 40 women and children perished.

Pumpkin’s Fancy

Composed by Dublin piper (GHB variety) Terry Tully, This is one of the first hornpipe tunes our David learned. The song is characterized by the slides that you hear in the song.