TBT: Session vor unserem zweiten Zuhasue: O’Ceallaigh Irish Pub in Groningen! (1997)
Autor: David Myles
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Wat zullen we drinken @ MPS Hamburg
Mittelalterlich Phantasie Spectaculum Hamburg!
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TBT: ‘De eikeltjes aldus Ronald’
Throwback Tuesday: Unsere Band ‘De eikeltjes aldus Ronald’ (mit unserem guten Freund Fokko) im ‘Biergarten’ vom Hof Aspich bei Koblenz (1994).
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Scotland’s Story @ MPS Hamburg
Scotland’s Story Lyrics
Michael McGrony from West Donegal
You came to Glasgow with nothing at all
You fought the old landlord, the Afrikan Korps
When you came to Glasgow with nothing at all
Abraham Caylap from Vilnius you came
You were heading for New York, but Leith’s where you’ve stayed
You built a great business which benefits all
When you came to this land with nothing at all
In Scotland’s story I hear that they came
From the Gael and the Pict and the Angle and Dane
Where are the Irish, Jews and Ukraine
They’re in my own story and worth just the same
Joseph D’Angelo dreams of the day
When Italian kids on the Grassmarket play
They burned out the shops when the boys went to war
But auld Joe’s a big man and he forgave all
In Scotland’s story I read that they came
From the Gael and the Pict and the Angle and Dane
Where’re all the Chinese and Indian names?
’cause they’re in my land’s story and worth just the same
Now, Christina McKay, I learned of your name
How you travelled south from Delny one day
You raised a whole family in one room they said
And the X on the line is in stead of your name
In Scotland’s story I told them they came
From the Gael and the Pict and the Angle and Dane
About a poor Irish girl who could not write her name
But ‘t is in my own story and worth just the same
All through the story the immigrants came
And the Gael and the Pict and the Angle and Dane
From Albania, Syria and from the Ukraine
They’re in my own story and worth just the same
‘Cause your Scotland’s story is worth just the same..
Ready for some ferocious folk?
Wir kündigen stolz die fünfte bestätigte Band für das Zomerfolk Line-up 2017 an: Ferocious Dog!
TBT: the summer of ’94
Throwback Tuesday: Schau dir das tolle Outfit von Marcel im Strandbad Klausenhorn am Überlingersee an! (1994)
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