Can you guess where I am? Please write it in the comments from the YouTube video.
We will send a goodie bag to the person who guesses it right the first time!
Our patron Michael Witt invited me to his home!
He performs in the band Verus Viator…/UCq2EbWsqlRku2A50y1GkLQQ/feed
We want to connect with you and we have very many possibilities to do this.
Because we can be online. We can be on YouTube, on Facebook, on Instagram
We have a home page and of course we go places: We go everywhere, where you are and where you want to come, as a band
And we like to see you and you like to see you each other
And what I really like what you’re doing is, what I also see in these these live streams, is that you are also connecting with each others in the comments.
You say hello to each other
You can send your presents here:
p.a. Nieuwe Ebbingestraat 133